mary and martha. two great women who loved Jesus. in Luke 10 they just had different ways of showing their love. martha opened her home. if she hadn't opened her home, mary wouldn't have had the opportunity to worship at the feet of Jesus. the problem that martha had the day that Jesus came to her house was that she allowed house work and other things to distract her from the One who deserved her full attention.
kirk spoke from John 12 (story of mary and martha) this past week with GCC and then my devotional today was about it as well. maybe the Holy Spirit is trying to show me something.
beth moore in her devotional book of Jesus the One and Only states that, "ministry is often the biggest distraction to the pursuit of true intimacy with God." wow! that is me! too often do i justify not spending intimate time with Jesus with the fact that i am a church planter's wife. i mean, my husband is a pastor. we are constantly doing ministry. instead of justifying not being intimate with my Savior, the fact that we do "ministry" all the time, should push me to spend more time alone with Him. if i am close with Him (worshipping at His feet like mary), it will be easier to encourage others to do the same. a quote from kirk's message sunday was, "when we extravagantly worship King Jesus, it encourages others to do the same."
my prayer this week is that i will be more like mary. that i will still prepare like martha, but when the time comes to spend time with Jesus, that He would be my main focus. "keep the pre in preparation." that is another quote from beth moore.
I can so relate! Ryan & I talk about this temptation often! I think Satan likes to trick us into thinking that way because he wants us to do things in our own strength, so that we might burn out. Being a pastor's wife is a huge calling that we have to take seriously, protecting ourselves spiritually by investing in our relationship with our Father. Praying for you girl! So excited how the Lord is using you & Kirk!
Thanks, Leslie! We definitely have to fight our idols daily. You are so right in saying we have to take our calling seriously. God called us to the place of pastor's wife to bring Him glory. Praying for you today as well. May we as wives bring God glory! Hope you guys are great!
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