Wednesday, June 6, 2012

lydia the model.

isn't she lovely? i can't get over it. kelly did a phenomenal job of capturing her sweet sweet face. i adore them. both the pictures and lydia. and well, chelsea and kelly for that matter. they are all the good kind. (kirk is neat too.) to see more pictures, you can scoot on over to chelsea's facebook page.

as far as updates go, lydia has knocked all 5 of her bottle feedings back so far today. she has one more tonight. praying she can finish that one as well. the sooner she finishes each of her six bottle feedings every day, the sooner she gets bumped up to all 8 feedings by bottle, the sooner she goes home.

she also still needs to be able to regulate her body temperature, something she can't quite do yet. but, that should become easier as she puts more meat on the those precious bones. (she is up to 3lbs 9ozs! grow baby grow!) we want her outta that incubator.

incubator -> regular bed -> HOME!

so! pray specifically that she can continue to keep up her strength - that she has no really puny days. and that she can regulate her body temperature.

(all photos by kelly is nice photography)


Nicole said...

That smirk! I die!

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