Tuesday, June 5, 2012

with great affection


I am sure you have heard your mom and dad tell you how special and beautiful you are.  And you know what... they are right.  You are made in the image of the Almighty God.  And although you are small now, God knew exactly what He was doing when He brought you into this world.  God’s Holy Word talks about a woman named Lydia.  The Bible says she was a worshiper of God and that the Lord opened her heart.  Lydia, that has been my prayer for you since I have known you.  I pray that you are transformed into a worshiper of God.  That your heart will sing praises to the God who made you.  I pray the Lord opens your heart so that you may receive His amazing grace.  You have two amazing parents who first love Christ whole-heartedly and secondly, love each other with a beautiful covenantal love.  And from their love of the Father and their love of each other came you.  Your mom and dad have loved you and prayed for you long before you were born.  Trust them, obey them, learn from them, love them.  I can’t wait to watch you grow.  What a beautiful woman you will become.

With great affection,

the letter above is from chelsea's dear friend shannon. if that doesn't make you weepy, then i am pretty sure your soul is made of stone. 
i think the idea of writing lydia a letter is phenomenal. in fact, i think we should all do it. i have a picture in my head of kirk and chelsea handing lydia a fat stack of letters when she turns 16 or when the timing is just right. maybe when she needs to find the courage to fight like she did the day she was born or a gentle reminder that she is fearfully and wonderfully made.

so, write her if you'd like. it can be short. it can be long. write her something sentimental. or even something silly. i'm sure that lydia will like silly. but, all with great affection. 
you can email the letter to me  - yesyoumaigh at gmail.com or mail one to the mcdonald home.


Anonymous said...

What incredibly beautiful friends the Lord has blessed you with! How amazing is His love that He knits hearts with such strong cords. Soon, this trial will be a tired memory, but the sweet support you have received from your wonderful friends - support that carries you straight to the Father - will last a lifetime. Such a blessing! Hang in there ~
Aunt Deandra

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